Sunday, April 29, 2012

Eighty-four Days to Go!

Now that I am two weeks and two days into my journey, I can reflect back and check out what's happening so far with those eight rocks.  (In all honesty, to the reader this may be a rather boring post, but I wanted to journal the process. So this is where I pull out the map along the trail and see if I am on the right path. Map reading isn't nearly as interesting as the journey, but is certainly is important!)

Rock #1 - Health 
Paleo Diet - I would rate it about 7.5.  I haven't been perfect, but I don't think it is impossible at all.  I have learned that planning ahead is essential, or I am going to mess up.  Exercise - probably about a 6.  I love this new book I am reading, Younger Next Year, and I think that my exercise baseline is about to go up.  The book focuses a lot on aggressive exercise and I feel like a sun porch just got added to that big empty room.  I have a few new dreams and goals that are showing up - so I love that.

Rock #2 - Purpose
I have to say this is still a work in progress.  Clarity on this is probably about a 3, but I do know this - I love working with a program at our church called Jobs for Life.  It is an eight week program designed to assist folks who are trying to make a new life for themselves.  Jim and I have just finished being mentors for the course and we both want to stay engaged in this work.
I know that writing and art will both have a place in this, but I think this Rock will require the most reflection and revelation of any. It will probably be the last place of true clarity.

Rock #3 - Beauty
I would definitely rate that about an 8.  Not from the standpoint of having arrived, but between the nursery, hanging out with an artist or two, and having my sensitivity heightened as to its importance in my life, I believe this Rock has clearly found a good place in the jar.

Rock #4 - Spirituality
Great strides. Maybe a 7.5.  That is progress for me.  Jesus Calling has opened up a new channel of communication with God.  I have had to let go of certain things and embrace others.  The process is not complete, by any means, but movement is occurring.

Rock #5 - Finances
Good question.  Don't quite know how to rate it.  Again, goals have to be clear in order to know how one is doing.  One thing I do know is that I need to be more disciplined in tracking income and expenditures.  I have two sides to the equation here - the right-brained creative side and the left-brained structure side.  I need to get my Quicken skills honed!  Rating - 5

Rock #6 - Family
Just celebrated Mom's 86th birthday today.  We have trips planned to see Ryan and Celeste in Vermont and Katie, Brad and Mivvi and Jack, as well as Dave, in California within the next 8 weeks.  Still, I want to find ways to pay closer attention to knowing what is going on in each ones life.  Also need to work on how to be a good grandmother to Lindey, my first "in-town" grandchild.  I am finding that there are challenges in both long distance and in town grandmothering.  They are different, but all important. Rating - maybe a 6.

Rock #7 - Friends
This is an elusive category.  I was just reading in one of my many books that isolation is a serious issue as one ages.  People tend to have less energy and they disconnect from others  This makes people old before their time.  Jim and I are both introverts and we can handle a lot of alone time (right now, he is sitting directly across the kitchen table from me working on two computer screens, while I type this blog.  We can end up spending a lot of time in these seats across from one another.)  Clearly, growth in this area will require serious attention.  Both of us realize we need to be more social and we are going to have to come up with some creative ways to get there  Rating - probably about a 4 as a couple, and maybe a 6 just by myself.  Lots of room for improvement.

Rock #8 - The House
There is a small rumbling underneath my feet on this one.  It may just turn out to be a pretty substantial movement in the very near future.  I think the first step is to get rid of "stuff" that we have that is not really us.  I have beautiful things that I love that are on the back shelves of my cabinets, while the boring stuff is sitting in front of it.  There should be some serious trips to Goodwill to clear out a lot of the excess.  I think that will be the first step in moving - wherever that may be.  Rating - 3, but, to quote one of my favorite artist, "I feel the earth move under my feet..."  :-)

Well, at least, I have taken the time to sit down on the path, take a look at the map and get my bearings.  The next step will be finding the concrete steps to take in each of these areas.

I will say this - Yesterday, I started thinking about what this seventy something "me" was like.  I have a vague idea of what she values, how she acts and what matters to her.  I decided that maybe I should just start acting like her, even if I don't have the house or the personal growth that she does.  That has been kind of fun.  I decided to just start thinking about what she would do in various situations - whether it was doing the dishes right after a meal or smiling more.  I figure I have nothing to lose by being like her - especially if she is ME!   I am sure that sounds somewhat crazy, but maybe there is a little truth to "fake it til you make it."  I don't know, but I think this might be a rather amusing adventure.  Personally, I rather like what I imagine.  Now, I just have to find out if we actually belong to each other.

Probably, over this next week, I will post some entries about my ideas about who she is and what she values.  I might even write about 75 year old Jill's last 15 years.  Kind of like the movie "THE KID" where Bruce Willis meets his future self and is encouraged to become him.  Should be an interesting week...


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