Thursday, April 19, 2012

Big Rocks

I am sure you have heard the story about the importance of getting the big rock into the jar first.  If I were to choose what I consider the big rocks for me to look at between now and my 60th, in particular, I would say they look like this:
  1. Rock One - Health.  To the best of my ability, I need to be thinking how to take care of this body so it lasts another 40 years.  That would include nutrition, exercise, environment and stress management.
  2. Rock Two - Purpose. While it would be entirely possible to see-saw back and forth between merely surviving and wasting time, I think it would be prudent to figure out what I ought to be doing until I am 100.  What are the unfinished tasks?  What are the gifts yet to give? What can this particular person do to make a mark in the present, the future and eternity?
  3. Rock Three - Beauty.  This is a hard-wired part of me.  If God had put me in the garden first, he would have told me my work was to bring beauty to the Garden.  Right now, I think there are a lot of weeds to be pulled and pruning to be done.  Maybe some whole new areas of the garden need to be opened up.
  4. Rock Four - Spirituality.  I suppose some might put that first, but I have found that the first three are tied to this one.  It is amazing how bad health can make you think you have all kinds of spiritual issues that you really don't.  Anyway, it's still one of the big rocks.
  5. Rock Five - Finances.  A practical piece that does matter.  I would say, a part of this rock involves work I actually do to make money.  This is one of the biggest tensions in my life.
  6. Rock Six - Family.  I love my family.  I want to figure out ways to be around all of them more - especially our children and their children.
  7. Rock Seven - Friends.  How do I cultivate and care for the friendships I have?  What can I do to reach out and connect more with the friends I love?
  8. Rock Eight - The House.  There are very few material possessions that I want, I think.  There is one thing, however, that calls to me daily.  That place where we live out the best part of our lives.  The house on water where I can see the sunsets every night.  The house with the big kitchen, the organic garden and the comfortable chairs.  The one that has the little guest house just down the road, where family and friends can come to stay from time to time.
There may be other rocks, but Eight Rocks are a lot to juggle.  For now, it will be Eight. 
I am sure some would very methodically spend "X" amount of time on Rock One and then systematically move on to Rock Two.  I'd say there is a pretty good chance that I am not going to do that.  Already, several of them have revealed themselves within this first week.  I think it will be somewhat the way the Psalms are organized - a lot like life.  The Psalms have some overarching structure, but the theme and emotions of the psalmists vary from one chapter to the next.

Eight Rocks and 40 years...  I wonder how it will all fit together.

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