Sunday, May 13, 2012

Seventy Days to Go...

Ten weeks left in my countdown.  Time to assess the Big Rocks...
  1. HEALTH- Not so great.  Besides having a little visit to the hospital, I totally got off the Paleo diet and lost ground instead of weight.  (Honestly, this 100 days was never about losing weight.)  Besides that, I got a bad case of poison ivy from stepping off the driveway to pick up the paper one morning.  I am terribly allergic to it.  Fortunately, I have been proactive in addressing the heart and the poison ivy issues.  And, I do know that eating protein, fruits and vegetables and good fats feels a whole lot better than eating carbs.  Another plus - after studying up, I got back on bio-identical hormones - the first time since I had my Stage 0 cancer.  Normally, I would not mention something like this, but hormones are a huge issue for women.  Without them, it is extremely hard to function.  I consider this to be a major physical and mental health issue for post-menopausal women.  I plan to write more about that in the next few weeks.  So, overall - I would give myself about 5.
  2. PURPOSE- As I said from the beginning, this is probably going to be one of the last rocks to find it's place in the big picture.  I still am not sure where the majority of my focus should be.  I love working at the nursery, but, I think there is more.  I really sense that God has me in a waiting place.  He seems silent on direction right now.  That is okay.  I think that this is attuning my ears to realize how much I need some sense of direction and clarity.  I would say that I have felt stirrings about either editing the manuscript I have, or starting another one.  Additionally, my desire to teach workshops or lead groups for women passing through this same time in life has increased.  I loved doing workshops and seminars, but that totally went to the wayside over the last 7 years.  I also have considered becoming a Master Gardener, I am signed up for a painting course, and I had a reawakening about doing the Appalachian Trail - something I have always wanted to do.  Since I have made some progress in this area, I would give it a 6.
  3. BEAUTY - Yesterday, when I walked into Collier's and saw the phenomenal display of color and beauty, it took my breath away.  I had to pull out my camera and take pictures.  The entire day, I was just awestruck with the variety, beauty and mystery of all the flowers.  Clearly, this feeds my soul.  While my Spring stretch of working there has almost come to an end, I will certainly try to fill in every now and then just for the sheer joy of being there. I also mentioned that I got signed up for a painting class in June. This is a huge step for me.  So, on Beauty, I would give myself about 8.
  4. SPIRITUALITY- Let's just say I am more aware of my needs.  I think that my limited attention span makes this more challenging.  As I wrote in my last blog, too much virtual stimulation works against a deeply spiritual life.  I believe that it is in direct opposition to deep spirituality.  Nothing personal to those who spend lots of time on Facebook, but I don't see the really deep, focused, involved-in-life people making hourly posts on their page.  I do believe there is a direct relationship between too much social media and shallow relationships.  I have limited my time on Facebook, taken it off my phone and am more aware of the dangers.  So, overall, I would give it about 6.
  5. FINANCES - I am getting into the stock market!  I signed up for Motley Fool and am now tracking our investments.  That is fun (but it can be another distraction).  Jim and I are taking a financial course at church which I think will help me get a better handle on creating order in my bookkeeping.  THIS IS HARD!  Also, I have been trying to juggle too many business options.  Definitely need to get focused a lot more.  Some good, some bad - 6.
  6. FAMILY- I have spent a lot more time with my folks lately.  Especially with the major surgery my dad had on his face, I have been checking on them, taking food, and helping out where I can.  I need to work on my connections with the kids.  Jim and I still have way too many computer evenings.  We have some Swing Dance DVD's that I hope we will plug in this week.  Also, we are going to see Ryan and Celeste next weekend, so that is going to be a wonderful time.  Let's say 8.
  7. FRIENDS- One of the neat things that has come out of this blog is that I have heard from a few friends that I haven't talked to in years.  One woman wrote and told me she really resonated with what I was writing, so we got together for lunch and had a great visit.  Still need to work on this area, but it is improving, so 6.
  8. THE HOUSE - No real movement there other than still thinking a move is coming in the next few years. Give it a 2.
While there have been a lot of ups and downs, I would say that being aware of these areas, and assessing them on a semi-regular basis has helped me to make better decisions about how to spend my time.  I have found myself being more intentional about looking for solutions.  Best of all, I have heard from others like myself who are wondering what comes next in the decades ahead.

That's it for today.  Happy Mother's Day to all moms.  

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